European Academy of Design Conference – 14th April 2017

European Academy of Design Conference – 14th April 2017

This year continued its theme of excitement, with Gavin being asked to present a keynote speech at the European Academy of Design Conference at Sapienza University, in Rome, Italy. The conference was based on the idea of “Next”, or what methods and the object produced would be upcoming in the future, and covered categories from technology to art.

The talk went incredibly well, and, thanks to a highly receptive audience, Gavin returned from the conference feeling incredibly honoured. This was a brilliant opportunity to bring some highly influential people on board with the Full Grown method, and really help spread the word around the globe.

It was also a great chance for Gavin to geek out on Roman history!

We’d like to thank Loredana, Lorenzo, Alessio, and all of the EAD team for putting on a fantastic and highly informative event.